Sparkling water for badass operators
Not that Fr*nch shit
The chuddification of every product in the supermarket continues unabated.
The year is 2024. You walk into your local grocery store which is now a Walmart Neighbourhood Grocery. The meat department has been overtaken by a brand called MAGA Farms. Half of the mascots in the cereal aisle are holding AR-15s. The produce section only has Red Delicious apples, “Burger Tomatoes,” and “Freedom Fry Potatoes” in it. Every product having an angry face, a skull, and/or American flag on it regardless of what country you’re actually in. The organic and health food department has been converted into a massive display for a line of unregulated steroids named Based AF. 75% of the food on your grocery list has been shoved into a disused aisle labelled “ethnic food”. Your phone informs you that the music playing overhead is something called “Lofi Alex Jones To Consoom and Plot Insurrection To.”
You decide to return home and buy your groceries from Amazon, the only other option in your country.