I was understanding it as “2 white men, and Sam Smith and Kim Petras” I didn’t even register it as transphobic
yeah that’s also totally fair. i had heard enough about sam smith in passing to be relatively sure they were white (e: a comrade has informed me they are nonbinary, my b) but this tweet was literally my intro to kim petras lol
he’s promoting her either intentionally or unintentionally, hard not to wonder if there’s a way to hire Ben Shapiro to hate you as a way of marketing yourself. not that I really suspect that here, but it’s an untapped market and we know what happens to those
REAL shapiroheads know he’s available to anyone who can afford his rates (as this is the only fair way to determine who is in need of a service, of course) HOWEVER he demands contract negotiations take the form of a formalized debate
you are required to participate if you want him to work his magic.