Love too be a Traditional Moral Practicing Jew who is also terrified of Satanic Influences Pervading Our Culture. I’m definitely not a lapdog for Christian supremacy, you have to take my religious posturing seriously.
do something highly provocative, then act shocked and appalled when people are provoked
Did he just imply that tattooed faces ‘provoke’ him?
i think he’s trying to imply that there’s no reason to get something like a face tattoo unless you’re intentionally being provocative
it’s similar to how these dipshits feel about women with dyed hair
It’s such an embarrassing self-own
I feel like most of the culture wars I’ve ever seen have boiled down to, “We’re going to exist in a way that couldn’t possibly provoke anyone unless they were fragile bigots,” being met with “Because we’re fragile bigots and you know it, you’re ackshually the ones being aggressive by existing openly.”
it genuinely is mind-boggling, these dipshits are bending over backwards to hate people whose existence literally doesn’t impact them in any way. like their lives are based more around the fact that trans people exist than mine is, and i am one
it’s almost fucking sad. like dudes don’t you know you’ve only got about 80 years here? you really want to spend every single day of them thinking about my dick? and not even in a way that makes you happy, but in a way that makes you furious??? i’m genuinely begging right-wingers to go and hug their families, talk to their friends about the game, go for a hike, a n y fucking thing. it’s such a fucking waste of a life, i mean goddamn.
When I read that all I could think was “oh, like walking out into public with an assault rifle slung across your chest”. Of course since his audience sees nothing wrong with that, he has to couch it in terms that imply that tattooed people simply crave attention and outrage (📽)
Genuinely finding out about her for the first time from here. What kind of loser do you have to be to keep up with pop culture this much out of sheer hate of trans people?
lol ah of course he was being transphobic. i was seriously sitting here going “uhhhh a white dude named kim? that’s rough stuff buddy”
i’m extremely guilty as charged, actually tbh i don’t really pay a whole lot of attention to the music world in general. i just put on my lo-fi doot doots and call it a day. :blob-no-thoughts:
can’t lie though, learning about this girl via benny boy getting super mad about her racking up a win is pretty good and i’m feeling pretty validated in my choices
I was understanding it as “2 white men, and Sam Smith and Kim Petras” I didn’t even register it as transphobic
yeah that’s also totally fair. i had heard enough about sam smith in passing to be relatively sure they were white (e: a comrade has informed me they are nonbinary, my b) but this tweet was literally my intro to kim petras lol
The elite in our society are fully in line with the ideology of Satanic fealty
:sicko-wistful: I wish