Alex Jones Jr.
The underlying assumption of the JRE sphere (not exclusively, but definitely there) is that illness is a personal failure, as such, it tracks that these removed would need to be fought against
This is just like before science any illness used to get blamed on sinning or otherwise upsetting the gods. Health capitalism is where market forces are the gods and individual responsibility is to blame on how market forces effect you.
very relevant to what you are saying:
The right-wing emphasis on inDivIDuaL ReSpoNSibIlIty ties back to their fundamental ideology of natural inequality and, as a result, their categorical denial of environmental factors and systemic issues. Basically “If something bad happens to you, it’s because of your personal failings. Your personal failings come from you being a naturally undeserving person.”
This ideology serves to justify horrendous inequality as being the natural order of things, for example it allows you to claim “Well it wouldn’t matter if I gave this homeless person a house, they would just sell it for drugs and alcohol and be back on the streets in 2 weeks.” That is quintessentially how they think. Every individual has a god-given “quality” assigned to them at birth and the “superior” people will naturally gravitate towards their rightful place in the hierarchy over the course of their life, and this hierarchy must be preserved.
Once you understand this, all right-wing rhetoric makes sense. If trans people get mocked and harrassed by society, that is because they are naturally inferior and less valuable people, and them seeking equal rights is literally an affront to fundamental right-wing ideology because it is an attempt to undermine the natural hierarchy.