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What should Ukraine negotiate for? What does Ukraine get in exchange for territorial surrender?
So far, Putin has broken and ignored:
- Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation, and Partnership between Ukraine and the Russian Federation
- The Budapest Memorandum
- The Sochi Accords
- Treaty on the Russia-Ukraine State Border
- The Minsk Agreement
- The Second Minsk Agreement
If a new treaty were to be negotiated, why would Ukraine expect Putin to follow it? What would be the consequences if he did not?
Putin broke the Minsk Agreements, huh?
Anyone who wants to can go find out the truth of that claim and they will find that it was Ukraine/NATO that broke the agreements which is literally the reason it came to war. This was admitted to openly even by Angela fucking Merkel, who said they only drafted the agreements to buy time for Ukraine to build up more arms and continue antagonizing the Donbas.
The Angela Merkal who urged Ukraine to stop fighting when Russia invaded Crimea? The Angela Merkal who routinely advocated appeasement?
As far as Ukraine breaking the agreement, I assume you mean the accusation of continued shelling? When even the DPR claimed responsibility for fighting as well, claiming Minsk 2 did not apply to Donetsk.
You still haven’t answered: what should Ukraine negotiate for? Given the fact that Russia has broken every treaty on Ukrainian borders since 1995, why should Ukraine trust another negotiation?
They should negotiate to stop the mass murder going on.
Some hypothetical war in the future is not worth butchering millions now. That’s deranged thinking - literally ensuring the harm you claim to fear.
Stop thinking of countries as people. Countries are not people. That fallacy leads you to deranged ideas that see so many people die.
The Angela Merkal who urged Ukraine to stop fighting when Russia invaded Crimea? The Angela Merkal who routinely advocated appeasement?
Correct. She has at least a modicum of strategic sense.
Putting aside the factual errors, let’s just think about the thrust of your argument for a minute. Wars are ended by diplomacy. You’re saying Russia can’t honor agreements (nonfactually, but hey). Therefore, this war can never end. Is that really your conclusion? What’s your expected endgame?