Have you seen the images of Breezewood, Pennsylvania? The striking thing about images of that town is that it looks like literally anywhere in America. Half of the country looks like giant signs next to a highway. Ocean to ocean of billboards, 6 lane dangerous roads, gas stations, and McDonald’s. That’s what we did to this place and it’s what the natives were displaced to build. Death to America.
The thing that sticks out most to me is the gift shop. Why does that place have a gift shop?
lots of towns like that have little knick-knack shops because small towns in America only exist to facilitate people who are passing through. That’s often the only local economy other than the school district, Wal-Mart, or various real estate scams. The gift shops are for truck drivers on 14 hour shifts driving cross country. I have no idea what they sell but I’m guessing it’s full of sports memorabilia.