democrats attempt a strategy other than scolding challenge [impossible]
I’m old enough to remember a guy running around the country promising “Hope” and “Change”, claiming that we need a popular people-powered revolution to bring about sweeping economic reforms, and advocating for a large grass-roots organization to overturn a stagnant and deteriorating national regime.
That guy was absolutely full of shit and walked away from all the cool rhetoric as soon as he was sworn in (twice, because god forbid some bow-tie nerd question whether you followed the rules). But fuck, it was fun to believe better things were actually possible.
the thing i remember is believing he was genuine right up until the moment he nominated biden for vp. i held out hope for a little while that it was a ploy to manipulate party leadership, and then he just never closed guantanamo, and started bombing weddings and hospitals and pine nut farmers. but i recall a solid couple of weeks i thought things could turn around.
Back in 2008, I honestly had no idea why Biden’s nomination was significant. He looked like a sop to the centrists rather than a broker for the plutocrats. In retrospect, I probably should have known better. But I was high on that “Anybody But Bush” drug, and Obama seemed like a far more attractive option than Clinton (nevermind McCain). So Biden didn’t bother me until much later on.
he just never closed guantanamo, and started bombing weddings and hospitals and pine nut farmers
Yeah. The Gitmo thing in particular was just so nauseating. After all that Unitary Executive bullshit Bush had employed with abandon, it seemed downright trivial for a decent human being with Presidential authority to finally lance and drain that shameful sore on the American conscience. But year after year, long after the whole Congressional do nothing charade had turned into a sick joke, he just kinda organized another commission to question the logistics of thinking about the legality blah blah blah.
Literally all that asshole was good for was another package of excuses. Absolutely worthless piece of shit.