comment under this if you hate Nate Silver, itll give me endorphins
Also school is literally just glorified daycare, they cant do it from home because the whole point is the state watches your kid while you go to work, and now the state will give up on that, preferring to simply put you in jail if they find out your kid skipped.
when a nation has a revolution nate silver is one of the kinds of liberals who leaves and then complains about it for the rest of his life in another country and people pay him to hear him complain about it and basically the people in the country he fled are glad to be rid of him
Also the whole shoveling teachers into the furnace to keep the economy chugging along.
Because image what king of evil world it would be if a society could handle needing to allow parents to take care of their children during a pandemic.
I got into a fight with my sister (a huge radlib) because I said “America loathes its children” and she was wildly offended on behalf of Hillary Clinton or some shit
Ah yes, famous protector of children, Killary Clinton.
10/10 child slaves in Libya report supporting hers and Obamas actions in the country.