quick dumb guy question: Why don’t momentum and all corbyn supporters just form a third party with the aim of coalition with Labour? Or not, if Labour keep being pricks.
Seems like it’s the only way they could actually get some fucking respect, end the anti semitism shit and maybe get a policy or two passed.
Maybe I’m wrong but isn’t there a constituency there that would follow Corbyn, don’t they have numbers?
my guess is they don’t have the political capital. i’m just astonished reading these threads on twitter where the majority of labor constituents buy this anti semetic narrative hook line and sinker. theres no way for me to know how organic all of that is but it’s still shocking to me
Some was organic of course, but when you consider who opposed Corbyn’s foreign policy positions, the campaigns and operations against him become clearer.
His project would & could never be allowed to succeed. It would have been so disruptive to the global geopolitical status quo.
The anti semitism campaign, for example, had a clear source.
Al Jazeera’s censored documentary “The Lobby” is a good start. Think there’s 2 parts, UK and US.
Could a new Corbyn party get enough votes so that a potential Labour party coalition would need them to form a government?
I thought that a lot of the urban Labour vote was pro Corbyn.
I suppose I’m visualising a scenario where Labour wants to govern and needs Corbyns party to make the numbers. Labour would be forced to negotiate and couldn’t just ignore them as if they were in the party.
Isn’t a lot of the urban labour vote Pro Corbyn? Could they suffucient numbers?