she’s a serving her second two year term in the lower house of a political system literally designed to make populist reforms as difficult as possible to pass.
…and she’s the best “we’ve” got.
I’m gonna quote Matt Karp’s article in the jacobin after Bernie’s concession; “The Left, after Bernie, has finally grown just strong enough to know how weak it really is.”
I’m sick of political theater(an m4a vote would be just that) and I’m sick of liberal shit like “their your representatives”. the only way change can be achieved is through real life organizing of the masses.
I’ll pass on using one of the 4 non-ghouls in congress as my outlet for anger/punching bag.
no, holding people accountable isn’t liberalism.
expecting one lowly elected official to make a difference is.
I’m just jaded. I’m tired and political theater is a waste of time to me.
look at where america is now and compare it to the ideals of this forum. Is AOC going to achieve those ideals? no, she most definently is a lib and has no desire to. but imagine for a second that she wants to…could she? NO. we have to organize IRL to achieve those ideals. are we on the same page on this?
even when it comes to m4a, it’ll take a coalition and class based organization.
the left hardly exists in real life. if it did, would folks like McConnell get elected to represent one of the most impoverished states in the country? his democratic challenger was just another capitalist goon!
I’m not gonna use her as a punching bag for our lack of power is what I’m saying.