No see this makes sense since the US has a nuclear bomb hidden in every nation’s capitol that automatically detonates if the US ever balkanizes. President Xi was the only one to find the bomb ahead of time
America collapses in 2028
:cmnd-marcos-pog: :che-poggers: :CommiePOGGERS: :ferret: :xi-pog:
Syria is still under ba’athist rule
Everyone knows that the USA is the only thing keeping Finland from claiming some lebensraum from Russia.
despite the only difference between me and hoi4 bros is the fact that i’m self aware about it, hoi4 bros get life sentences in the gulag. no, not the real gulags, the EVIL COMMUNISM HELL TORTURE GOOLOG that hoi4 bros think existed. you brought this upon yourself for doing too many germany WCs