I’ve literally never heard of any of this guy’s advice. All I’ve heard about him is that he’s a pseudo-intellectual with a smug audience.
Honestly I feel like he really got popular for coming out against respecting trans peoples pronouns back in like 2015/6 or whenever and all the self help shit is just a crypto excuse to Stan him for his reactionary views.
The only stuff of his that has any validity is the most rote self-help stuff you could find anywhere else when you get to the substance of it. He’s just good at framing it in a way that scratches the chud itch for their actions to be noble and heroic.
All his other rhetoric of course is batshit protect western culture stuff, and that blend made him nice and popular among right wing failkids.
Yeah, his self help stuff is what the faculty at any university hands our during orientation. Saying it was valuable was always a justification for liking him when the reality is his popularity is solely due to his transphobic stances.
He’s also a rabid anti communist and spreader of settler colonialist apologia, in addition to denying global warming and lying all of the god damn time
Conscientiousness - plan the life you’d like to have. You get to have what you want and what would be good for you. What would that be? You need direction. It is direction that produces primary positive emotion. If you need positive emotion to get through life (which you do, because you can’t even move without positive emotion, positive emotion is a good bulwark against terror and pain) if you need those things you need direction, you need a goal, you need a value structure.
Disagreeable men won’t do anything they don’t want to do. They just say, “up yours. I’ll go home and play video games,” and “why should I work for you? I’ll just go have fun. I’ll do my own thing.” If you take the men who are like that and say, “What do you want? You can have what you want, but you have to figure out what it is.” So they write down what they want and they think, “Oh, hey, that might be worth having, so maybe I’ll put some effort into it.” Responsibility. That’s what gives life meaning. Lift a load. Then you can tolerate yourself.
lobster daddy