Need a hot feminist take need a hot feminist take. Oh I know
“A woman could never write Finnegans Wake or Ulysses”
She deleted it apparently.
I kind of wanted to watch the video v-v
I heard a hot take that Ulysses is anti-imperialist literature that preserves memory of Dublin as a living city in resistance to British assimilationism. Put that in your pipe and smoke it condescending suburban white lady!
Lol I got confused at first and I thought the post was saying that literature is when men write nonsense.
Sometimes yes but I thought the tweet was saying that that’s what literature is, in general.
She’s awesome. Less stream-of-consciousness, more philosophy and humor. A Severed Head is the one I’ve read most recently, and it’s hilarious. Haven’t read The Black Prince yet but I’ve heard good things.
No they’re saying a woman could never write a book as bad as Finnegan’s wake or Ulysses as they are saying those books are hard to read and unentertaining.
I kinda like Finnegan’s wake. It makes zero sense and isn’t readable but it has some sentences I really like.