Need a hot feminist take need a hot feminist take. Oh I know
“A woman could never write Finnegans Wake or Ulysses”
I am pretty sure they are mostly shitposting to troll misogyny.
I heard a hot take that Ulysses is anti-imperialist literature that preserves memory of Dublin as a living city in resistance to British assimilationism. Put that in your pipe and smoke it condescending suburban white lady!
Ahem, excuse me, but YA is so last decade. The discerning philistine of today finds their muse in that most fertile literary field of isekai LitRPG. 🙃
At the same time, I think it’s absolutely fair to read a bit of Ulysses and think “this is fucking gibberish” without it being philistinism.
Lol I got confused at first and I thought the post was saying that literature is when men write nonsense.
Sometimes yes but I thought the tweet was saying that that’s what literature is, in general.