After seeing some threads it’s clear that there are chapos here who need a mentor in the romantic arts ™. Pitch me your best Q’s and I’ll spit my best A’s.
I’ve been a professional dating coach and matchmaker for the last 6 years.
edit: Wrapped up for now. Thanks everyone and good luck out there, you can do it!
I’ve been thinking that paying a professional matchmaker would be way less shitty than dating apps
I see the AMA is over, but in case you see this I’m just curious about your job. Outside of those fuckoff creep pickup artists I’ve never really heard of any people who work as professional-date-advice-givers. It never even occurred to me that dating coaches were a thing that might exist. Read through your answers and you’ve covered a lot of the stuff I was curious about. I guess two things come to mind: 1.) Do you have an educational background in therapy/counseling/psychology? 2.) Without risking doxxing yourself, what was it like the first time you got paid to give dating advice? Did you put up an ad in the papers or something? Did a friend tell you about a friend of theirs with dating trouble and you offered to give them advice in exchange for cash? Were you nervous?
Oh, third question: have you even gotten red flags from a client and refused to help them?
I apparently can’t respond over DMs on a new account, so posting a reply here:
Hi there! Thanks for reaching out and asking about whether I have openings. I’m mostly locale based in my practice, especially with matchmaking. I’m also hesitant to dox myself as I take OpSec pretty seriously online.
With that in mind, I unfortunately am not looking for any clients through the site right now. If that changes, I’ll absolutely let you know.
A recommendation I do have is to check out the Savage Love podcast. The host is a progressive lib, but has a great perspective on dating and sex. Here’s a link to check it out:
I’d also recommend therapy if you haven’t done so yet. It can be incredibly helpful for getting yourself into a better headspace as a partner and a person!
As I mentioned, the dating scene is very much a numbers game and something that kind of requires grinding out dates. I’ve heard from clients this can be pretty overwhelming at first when coming back into things following a LTR. There’s definitely an adjustment period and Covid has also really thrown everyone off.
Hopefully these tips help and I apologize that we can’t work together. I’m definitely surprised with how much my AMA took off. Good luck out there and hope things work out for the best, you can do it!
What do you do during first dates with strangers? I usually just fall into relationships with my friends and I’m spooooooked
So is it true a whole tree is needed to make a single box of matches?