What a story. Fully support the staff in dealing with the shithead.
idk if it’s true but this person is saying it and I hope it is
Who are you kidding?! Yeah, take a day off & recover while HR & PR departments go into crisis/damage control mode. The flight attendants are severely reprimanded or fired to show that “the customers are always right” even if they’re drunken frat boys with lawyer moms.
Patrick knows what’s up.
lmao they even duct-taped his mouth. I will gladly pitch into any funds for these workers because I completely understand the actions they took.
So his parents own a home
*He was restrained by duct tape in a flight attendant-involved incident.
If cops get this kind of language for killing someone in cold blood, these flight attendants definitely deserve it
I do gotta wonder where the air marshals are when you need them. Does the flight crew not have handcuffs handy?
this is like the 21st century equivalent of those medieval noble failsons who would just harass and beat up serfs just because they thought they could lol
or the embarrassing third children of English aristocrats who got sent to America with a bag of money on the condition they don’t come back