“Progressives” use political change like priests use Heaven
lol she turned into a “vote blue” person.
yeah what’s wrong with this? losing the 2016 election directly led to this supreme court. you can be a revolutionary leftist and still believe in mitigating as much suffering as possible until the conditions for revolution materialize. the whole “heh voting is for delusional losers,” seems infantile and aesthetic obsessed
yes voting is not praxis, it should not be the start or end of political involvement, but republicans advocate for laws on the topics of abortion, housing, and healthcare that directly worsen the lives of millions. Dems at least don’t make things worse/pass some marginal means tested bullshit but they don’t literally make a citizens abortion watch secret police like texas
If RGB stepped down conservatives still have a majority on the Supreme Court, and if Dems won in 2016 it would’t’ve mattered
Yes, but abortion would already be completely legal if Dems wanted it, which they didn’t.
also, ok? it being mostly legal is better than it being completely illegal like how it effectively is in Texas
Go charge your phone
What’s the point of the tweet even? Does she seriously think a large chunk of her followers on twitter are somehow swing state people, who typically turn out to vote, but did not in 2016? Like I guarantee you if every nonvoter who saw every “elections matter” tweet voted in 2016, the result will be the same. I know I’m just doing the cliche “echo chamber” critique, but seriously what’s the purpose of these tweets? You’re not even effectively browbeating anyone, most of the people who might get mad at you either live in Brooklyn or clenched their teeth and voted blue in 2016 anyway.