Hello users of the site Hexbear Period Net, it’s me, Mr. Saw, from the Saw movie franchise. I am from the Saw movie franchise. I would like to play a game. See that computer in front of you? You are to type in https colon slash slash reddit period com slash r slash neoliberal. You are to actively browse it for ten minutes you are to actively browse it for five minutes without getting visibly angry. If you fail to comply, or fail the challenge, the room will fill with gas gas gas gas nerve agent gas. I put a key inside your brain you don’t have to get it out but it’s my house key and I’d really appreciate it.
If you fail to comply, or fail the challenge, the room will fill with gas gas gas gas nerve agent gas.
yes okay i choose this
I really really don’t want to go to r/neoliberal.
Surely there’s some sort of arrangement we can work out?
Bold of you to assume I want to live lol
:sus: gyas