Feeling bad for any primate fursonas rn
Every time I end up on crypto-twitter a wave of depression washes over me. I know, rationally, that these are people, but there is no humanity there, no spark of the divine, only increasingly confusing terminology, thinly veiled scams and secret handshakes. It feels like these conversations should be illegal, but you can’t even say what ‘it’ is, if not an act of auto-erotic scam-based public humiliation ritual designed to squeeze a few more PMC’s before the whole system collapses.
Bro this is gonna be such a fucking clown era when we look back on it in 15 years, just the highest levels of cringe.
When crypto horse shit is integrated so deeply into the economy that the collapse literally kills tens of thousands of people and immiserates millions, we’re gonna spend years picking up the pieces and being like
“Whoa what the fuck, here’s one from the NFL. And Disney. And the US state department. And the Catholic Church. All selling the NFT ponzi scheme to people”
Haha legitimacy go clank clunk
There won’t be any pieces to pick up because it’s all computer nonsense that stops existing when the plug is pulled