For the sake of balance, every game will have a similar number of NPCs, quest lines, AI, etc.
If you can’t think of a game, any fictional setting works.
Pokemon, Pokemon, Pokemon. Though if I had to specify, either Soul Silver or Alpha Sapphire.
it’d get to feelin’ real weird going on an adventure with some 11 year olds though.
My headcanon would age up everyone, but I didn’t realize how off the story would be for an adult to act through until you mentioned this.
Nah, then it becomes weird gap year stuff. Like, I am going around the world to find myself type upper middle class hippy behavior. Just hikibg, staying in hostles,
The whole plot is based arlund a post scarcisty society falling into neoliberal decadance because they lost their revolutionary spirit.
How real we talking? Like full-on matrix? Cause I’m realizing I don’t play very happy games.
Kenshi is gonna be hard.
Mass Effect would be pretty cool.