Such insanity. We could spend days writing about all the ways in which this is wrong, even if you start with the premise that nuking the cities is morally acceptable.
“Rural America will survive.”
Literally you and what army?
Sure the initial bombings, but what ever force decides to invade said remaining rural America will bowl over it and conquer it. It always amazes me how country folk think they are a mighty force that would just default auto-win any scenario requiring leverage of power. They would wonder where all the armies are to stop the invaders, and they would find out 10 young conservatives with pickups and AR-15s can’t fight against an invading platoon, let alone an army.
They also don’t realize that even if they were never invaded their standard of living would drop dramatically. There would be no running to town for treats, fuel would be scarce, no footbawl on tv, or any other countless things they take for granted that all the actual civilization of big cities provide. So them trying to romanticize a fantasy where a bunch of nukes magically kill all the people they have been told to hate is beyond parody.
These hogs are such perfect liberal specimens they cannot conceive of the massive substructure of labor that makes every aspect of their lives possible. I think that they genuinely believe that their work magics the commodities they buy into existence without the input of anyone else.
If all the cities get nuked and trade breaks down, how long with the rural supply of antibiotics and other basic medicines last?
I wonder if Mr Gung-ho Rural Redditor can even survive without insulin.
Everything, even lots of final food processing and fertilizer manufacturing happens in the cities, even the stuff that those people associate with rural US can’t function without the cities. Who will build farming machinery?
And this is ignoring the fact that the water supply would likely be poisonous if lots of cities are taken out.
And this is ignoring the fact that the water supply would likely be poisonous if lots of cities are taken out.
Wonder if they’ll die from the poisoned water before they die from the huge radioactive ash cloud blotting out the sun.
I don’t like this sudden trend of libs saying nuclear war isn’t actually that bad
i don’t think people who believe there’s a “destruction of white christian males” worse than a nuclear war are libs in the stricter sense of the word, but yeah, technically you could probably argue that fascism is the right wing of liberalism.
obligatory remark that making the green m&m less fuckable was a distraction from a lawsuit starting a mere day prior to that entire shitshow, where Mars was sued for one of their subcontractors abducting children to have them work cocoa plantations at gunpoint. i’m being serious here, that’s literally what happened and why they fired up the culture war bs to distract from that. thought slime has a video on this that’s actually worth checking out.
Where does he think our silos are, Portland? And what makes the “bread basket” not a target in global nuclear warfare?
and perhaps the most stupid part of this, “do research on Hiroshima and Nagasaki” as if nuclear weaponry hasn’t progressed since the 1940’s. If this fool gets the nuclear war he wants, anybody who survives won’t be resurgent christians, they’ll be ghouls worshipping Ronald Macdonald statues in back storage under a mall somewhere.