Just got back from The mall with my mom and I had to use the bathroom, I walk in and the place looks like it’s been hit by a suicide shitter. Feces on the walls, everywhere.
I remember having to clean this kind of stuff up at Walmart and it was so foul.
I can smell this post 🤢
when I was still in high school, I was a dishwasher/low-man at a sit-down restaurant. not a chain, not high end, but maybe premium+?
I used to have to clean the bathrooms and one of the things I learned is that civilization is a lie.
if there weren’t janitors constantly cleaning up after everyone with unlimited clean water and sweet smelling detergent, this entire nation would smell like a crooked zoo and most people wouldn’t make it to 20 due to cholera outbreaks.
proof positive of this is when garbage/sanitation workers in South Africa go on strike and it all literally goes to shit
Then at universities you get sheltered white lib children who literally cross the picket line to pick up litter (they’d never actually clean a toilet, that’s below them) and get mad when striking students and sanitation workers tell them to stop. And the workers and students on strike are painted as savages that just want to litter everywhere.
Yes, this all actually happened. Multiple times if I remember correctly.
is it scabbing if you clean up a toilet before shitting in it in this situation
I know, when I used to browse /pol/ they framed it as the dumb Gamer Words are too uncivilized to keep anything clean. Why do they keep knocking over the garbage can!? Uncivilized! I always remember this when I think about the right’s rhetoric now, and why I have even less respect for them than most leftists because I’ve been around that stuff to know just how pathologically dishonest and downright malicious they are.
So… I worked a lot of shit (lol) jobs. During a stint at Burger King in our mall (the last straw before joining the military in the mid 90s) I found myself cleaning shit off the wall all the time. It was sort of confounding - why would anyone do this? I finally accidentally caught someone doing it which surprised me because it was an elderly fellow. He apologized because he didn’t make it to the the thrown in time. I said no problem and I cleaned up his shit. Have to say, it’s kind of worse when it’s fresh. I’ll spare the details.
I started actively observing whocwould come in and out of the store from then on. Then it hit me after watching who would go in and out of the bathrooms. It was almost always older people. Yknow, seniors. Because homes would drop them off daily in the mall just to walk around. Instead of actually caring for them.
Anyhow. Just noting, it might not be what it seems: people blatantly being disrespectful.
shit-chastic terror, that same spark that compells one to go postal but acted out in the commode
i guess we should be grateful they shit on walls instead of murdering people :shrug-outta-hecks:
Nothing quite like sitting in a stall and hearing the guy in the stall next to you unspool the entire toilet paper roll.
I hate when you specifically choose a toilet far away from people so you don’t have to listen to someone shit, and then someone comes in and decides to choose the stall right next to you and proceeds to grunt and fart and shit loudly.
Like fucker, you could have chosen a stall away from me, it’s not like there aren’t plenty free.
I swear this happens every time, it’s like people want to be gross.