Hey I’m gunna watch some movies with mates and a projector and a fire in there backyard what should we watch
His House - the horrors of moving to terf island
Ready or Not - the funny horrors of marrying into the bourgeosie
The VVitch - the horrors of religious patriarchy
The Green Room - the horrors of captain picard being a nazi
edit: Ready or Not & Green Room are good for watching with friends the other two not
Hereditary is 🔥 🔥 🔥 and very spooky
Oculus is good it’s about an evil magic mirror, a very underutilized trope in horror if you ask me.
Here’s some I haven’t seen mentioned yet: Jacob’s Ladder, Mulhollland Drive, Videodrome
Saint Maud - Modern alienation filtered through the lens of religious mania.
Mandy - Stoner Metal: the movie.
Prevenge - A heavily pregnant woman’s unborn child commands her to kill. Fun slasher comedy with some wince-inducing physical performance by the 7mo pregnant lead.
Under the Shadow - A family in Tehran during the Iran-Iraq war are tormented by a Djinn (and American provided missiles).
Sightseers - Another Horror Comedy. Woman discovers her new boyfriend is a serial killer during a caravan holiday, decides it’s better than going back to tinder.