This person is a foreign policy advisor to Bernie Sanders
how do i become an advisor to congress people
i want to advise them that walking into congress with a bomb strapped to their chest will be great for israel
I too formulate my anti-imperialist principles based upon how bad a look it would be on social media to coincidentally agree with the stance of this or that war criminal
Factionalism > Objective Facts
This person is a foreign policy advisor to Bernie Sanders
By the way you’re seeing in a sort of shadow form how limited a challenge to the American status quo that a Sanders Administration could have posed. An outsider at the pinnacle of the power pyramid that is American Empire it ultimately powerless compared to the influence of institutional, systemic forces, and in order to rise to such heights will surround his or herself with advisers drawn from an intelligentsia that is still an outgrowth of the reigning hegemony.
Let’s reframe this. If you are more bloodthirsty than Kissinger, it might be good to step back and take a moment.