This person is a foreign policy advisor to Bernie Sanders
If youre clamoring for war while Henry fucking Kissinger is sitting there saying “whoa now, this is a getting a little wild” maybe that should tell you something lmao
Edit: some of the replies are wicked sick and some of them are like this dude
Kissinger is extremely hawkish - just for the other side.
Henry Kissinger, well known Russian asset
Henry Kissinger, well known Russian asset
The USSR playing 72D chess by destroying themselves to make their inside man in the American government look legitimate.
Henry Kissinger, well known Russian asset
Let’s reframe this. If you are more bloodthirsty than Kissinger, it might be good to step back and take a moment.
This person is a foreign policy advisor to Bernie Sanders
By the way you’re seeing in a sort of shadow form how limited a challenge to the American status quo that a Sanders Administration could have posed. An outsider at the pinnacle of the power pyramid that is American Empire it ultimately powerless compared to the influence of institutional, systemic forces, and in order to rise to such heights will surround his or herself with advisers drawn from an intelligentsia that is still an outgrowth of the reigning hegemony.
It is kind of interesting to me how even the smarter arch reactionaries agree it’s not a good idea to provoke Putin out of their own self interest, but the liberals are still frothing at the mouth
Because they’re still convinced russiagate was real and was why they lost in 2016. Not that they ran a shitty candidate and a shitty campaign
they have gone full “destroy Russia because they made us look bad”
As much as it is a non materialist explanation, I honestly think this is a massive contributing factor to the current lib Russia hysteria. They were so traumatized by Trump, and he and his hogs are too dumb to have done it themselves, because the libs are just so super smart, so it HAS to be putin.
Kissinger’s thing is power balancing. There’s a decent faction of neocons who want to do the Sino-Soviet split again, but this time with Russia against China. Mearsheimer is one.
And it would be either a winning or a more successful strategy at least, if they hadnt acted in ways that pushed the two together more solidly.
libs are only for it right now cos the president is a dem, if Trump were still around and this was going on they would be full throat anti-war and constantly talking about how Trump is a nazi and arming nazis in ukraine.
I fucking hate this war, but what exactly was so objectionable about neutrality status, devolution of power in ukraine and second language status for russian. What is so against leftlibs ideals there? :meow-tableflip: or language minority rights don’t spread into Eastern Europe by transient property of ussr bad?
Fucking porky war is over who gets to privatize ukraine
Ah well you see it’s because Russia are the bad guys.
Russia does bad things to the good guys which makes them the bad guys. We are the good guys because we do bad things to the bad guys.
It’s good to do bad things to bad guys. It’s only bad to do bad things to good guys. This makes them the bad guys and us the good guys.
You see?