Inasmuch as I disagree with XR, I disagree with this meme more.
Has this person ever driven past a factory farm?
They aren’t grassy. They’re muddy and full of shit. You can also smell them from a mile away.
Ever driven by a patch of solar panels and turbines? It’s mostly just empty space. Not exactly tranquil–more mundane, but it’s a hell of a lot better than a farm.
This was likely drawn by someone who thinks they are smarter than everyone they disagree with
Isn’t that… everyone?
I don’t exactly go around thinking “man all these people who disagree with me are so fucking brilliant, unlike me, I’m a total dumbass!”
Bring up Einstein’s anti-capitalist critique and see what they say?
Even if I tried very hard to imagine myself as a chud the cognitive dissonance of unironically saying “yeah unfortunately the smartest man ever was right about almost everything. The one thing he got wrong? Capitalism of course!”.
I often acknowledge the intelligence of people I’m opposed to. A lot of them are pretty smart in their own way.
Ever driven by a patch of solar panels and turbines? It’s mostly just empty space.
They’re so cool. We drive past a bunch of them on the way to visit family every summer. Most people don’t realize how M A S S I V E turbines can be. They’re all sprinkled around on still existing, real family farms. Like the top picture, but with enormous propellers towering over them.
It’s rad as hell. And if you don’t look reeeeeealllly high up, you would barely even notice them on foot.
I’ve only seen them in long stretches of desert. Not as cool. Although, they give you something to look at
I second this. US agricultural industry really wants people to believe “farmers” are just kindly salt-of-the-earth types tending to their fields and its been super powerful propaganda. Hell, even implying that “real” America is an agrarian society has done numbers.
How do they think this much fucking meat ends up in their gaping maws? There’s some easy to ballpark math if they consider how much meat they eat alone and multiply that by an estimation of the US population and that cute little farm shown in the comic with one sheep and two female cows is pretty logically not how it’s going. Look at a grocery store shelf or realize fast food is hamburgers and it falls into place real easy. I figured out commodity fetishism when I was like 8 from reading Calvin and Hobbes and got a better understanding later, I get others didn’t but to be an adult that doesn’t understand things have to come from somewhere is really something else.
[Mirror Universe Joe Rogan voice] Jamie pull up footage of the pig shit lagoons
Comic is wrong, the best moment to spray your solar panels with pesticides is right before dawn
also it has to be said, wind turbines don’t kill that many birds ultimately. it is, naturally, outdoor cats by like a few orders of magnitude
Looking at a smokestack and thinking that’s not harming birds. Not to mention animal growth hormones in feces and insecticides directly poisoning birds or killing their food source. That’s not even touching the anti vegan bend here cause that’s obviously farcical on it’s face. 2 cows and a single sheep isn’t a farm, it’s having big pets and vegans are against those guys getting the equivalent of a wind turbine to that bird in a mechanized process by the millions. It’s the same mentality as the birds in the comic, they think it’s worse cause the birds die near the turbine and they have to see it instead of a long drawn out mass extinction event that we’re doing now, same with their happy little cows and sheep, as long as they don’t see what happens to them and are just presented with a pastoral idealistic image they’ll treat that as reality. No object permanence. These are the mental gymnastics cowardice puts you through. Fuck this guy and his violent insistence on the world abiding to the maintenance of his childish fantasy.