Talking to other socialists about Bernie: yeah he’s a social imperialist he wasted his 2020 run and he endorsed Biden so fuck him
Talking to shitlibs about Bernie: say that again mother fucker I will fucking rip off your head and shit down your neck if you disrespect my grandpa
His head will be respectfully laid to rest after his turn at the guillotine.
see this revenge stuff seems to be missing the point. safeguarding the revolution is one thing but revenge seems unhelpful
Yeah I joke about :wall-talk: a lot but the actual list of people I would want to see executed after a revolution is very short.
I don’t think Bernie would be counterrevolutionary. If a revolution were to happen in America (lmao), like 90%+ of people would probably just go with the flow as long as football is still on.
You know this conversation was a big deal because it was never brought up before or since
She really hates him. I mean the ruling and political classes have obvious material reason to oppose him. But the hatred a lot of libs in politics/media hate him, i think, is because people love him. And they’re such ghouls they have no idea why people love him and hate them.
the idea that she could have a turn is really emblematic of her whole problem as it’s a profoundly undemocratic notion
Didn’t Warrens staffers come out as saying that they knew Bernies sexist comments were not only taken wildly out of context but also that they knew they were taking them wildly out of context and used this angle anyways?
My impression was that she didn’t really even choose the tactic, some clintonite Warren staffer was the one who leaked it and Warren just got boxed into playing along
It’s such a Clinton move too. Remember when her campaign photoshopped Obama to make him blacker? Wish Hillary and everyone still with her just crawl into a hole and die
It’s crazy how everyone just collectively forgot how racist her campaign was in '08.
Fuck Harry Reid but he did something similar to Romney in the 2012 race, which is cool. He said to effect of “I’ve seen Romney’s taxes and I know he’s paid nothing for years”. It was a big deal at the time. After Romney lost Reid subtly admitted (more with a wink and a nod) that he made that up.
I will never understand libs’ worship of Hillary. Obama has a Ted Bundyesque superficial charm to him and Trump is a Ringling Bros showman type so I kinda get why they have fanbases but Hildawg has all the charisma of a turkey sandwich on Wonderbread.
Do you remember all the TV shows that did the “it’s her turn” episodes? Broad City was the big edgy comedy, and then they were hitting the other end of the spectrum with quirky New Girl. Her campaign spent a lot of money associating itself with a certain brand of #girlboss feminism.
Yeah Broad City used to be the show me and my best friend would watch super stoned on lazy weekend afternoons and we thought the Hilldawg episode was the funniest shit until the last ten minutes where we went “Oh, this is entirely sincere”
This. Me and my partner rather liked it although thought it had been getting worse. Half way through that episode we both thought there was going to be some sort of knowing twist. When there wasn’t we were just like, oh, I suppose this is just basically Girls now and pretty much gave up on it.
Episodes? They did a whole “it’s her turn” show.
She was the face of technocracy and policy wonkery. And for a certain group of liberal women, she really was a feminist icon at one point. Lindsay Ellis has a decent video recording how Hillary was portrayed in media over time. Her current persona is one of many
Yeah she’s basically the patron saint of Second Wave Feminism. Boomer women who used to be business executives and whatnot took her loss extremely personally.