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I agree with you; the age of consent is not just about power disparities, but also about how malleable is the mind at young age and how early experiences can affect a child’s sexuality and personality growing up; Given that relationships even between adults can be toxic or abusive; the point of the age of consent in this case would be to make sure the emotional and intellectual maturity of the individuals in a sexual relationship would be enough not to leave scarring sequels for the developing child.
So when you’re about 17-19 and going out to parties and that there always seemed to be someone like this. Usually they’re a friend of a friend, somewhere on the outskirts of your social group. You know their name but only really because they go to the same parties you do.
They seem to be very intense about age being a number, they’ll bang on about how girls mature faster than boys etc. every time they can squeeze it into conversation and it creeps everyone else the fuck out but obviously the creepy fucker doesn’t realise that because they are very emotionally immature themselves. They have to prey on 14 year olds because people their age have enough life experience to recognise an emotionally immature, manipulative creep.
Eventually it becomes clear that they’re in a relationship with a 14 year old. Sometimes social disapproval is enough for them to knock it off, other times they bring the 14 yr old to some party or another, the 14 yr old gets hammered on 2 bottles of WKD because actually 14 year olds aren’t mature no matter what the creepy fucker says, the kid’s parents turn up and it turns into a massive mess.
This person reads exactly like that. The only difference is the ones I encountered tended to be right wing libertarians whereas this guy seems to be claiming to be a socialist. I guess whatever movement tends to have its creeps.
I’m always a bit suspicious of any organisation that puts older teenagers in charge of younger ones without proper adult supervision tbh.
There seems to be a second, libertarian, fishhook. Nice.
When I was a teenager, I definitely looked up the Romeo & Juliet laws for my state so I could know who it was legal for me to date. (I don’t know why, no one wanted to date me). This was from the perspective of me being the younger one though.
You’re completely correct that it’s not something I’ve felt the need to look up since turning 18.
eh, I campaigned for a simplification of consent laws to make it equal for people of all genders (before it was 16 unless it’s anal then it’s 18 and also if one of you is 16 theres some leeway, now it’s just 16)
but anyway I think now it’s 16 for all cases it’s fine, I guess people could push for 18 if they want but it’s fine here
hmmm your ass is going to prision