NGL as soon as I saw it was foster kids, I believed it immediately. The amount of abuse foster kids face in the US is harrowing. Even if this one isn’t true, this shit happens. But this reeks of a cover up to me. They prosecuted the accusers for perjury and threw them in jail
This sort of thing makes me wonder if the Satanic Ritual Abuse moral panic was an op to preemptively discredit people who uncovered the actual organized pedophile rings in the Anglosphere
I still remember before Pizzagate had coalesced into a single narrative, there was a lot of virtual labor being put into amateur research on child sex trafficking. And maybe I’m misremembering or just wasn’t on the “right” parts of the internet at the time, but that Comet Ping Pong attack happened and suddenly everyone who was following these email leaks and digging through them also seemed to believe this one very specific interpretation of everything. The libs and normies thought that “Pizzagate” meant stochastic terrorist who makes up fake basements. And iirc that movement later coalesced into QAnon, which is definitely an op of some kind.
There’s enough evidence to suggest the beef between Temple of Set/Aquino and Church of Satan/Lavey, which featured heavily in the panic, was in all likelihood an op to deflect from larger networks of this shit. Aquino himself had deep military and intelligence connections. Rupert Murdoch heavily pushed the satanic panic nonsense with his media networks for a reason.
I worked extensively with foster kids over the last 4 years and the MAJORITY had suffered physical and sexual abuse. Shit fucks up kids so bad
I was listening to the recent TrueAnon episode about this nodding my head along to everything and then the interviewee starts talking about CIA mind control tech causing schizophrenia if the mind control victims don’t get their mind control refreshed regularly
I’m listening to that episode currently. Nick said that some children who were involved in abusive government research would develop DID, which would in turn make them more susceptible to hypnosis. It sounded plausible to me. I didn’t hear anything about getting mind control refreshed although I still have thirty minutes left in the episode.
How familiar are you with MKULTRA? They absolutely tried a bunch of wild shit. The TrueAnon episode with Lisa Pease left a lot of listeners similarly skeptical because it dealt with mind control and hypnosis, but I think she was right.
that’s a really wild suggestion since DID comes from childhood trauma
the way the media treats DID really has given people really weird perspectives on it, it’s very cool
My “Not involved in human trafficking” snopes article has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my snopes article
On a DID related noted, the False Memory Syndrome Foundation has to be one of the most suspect orgs in human history. It’s no shocker that an org founded by someone who was accused by his own daughter of sexual abuse, also sent an “expert” to help Ghislaine Maxwell’s defense. It’s almost like they’re just laughing at us
The Franklin child prostitution ring allegations began in June 1988 in Omaha, Nebraska and attracted significant public and political interest until late 1990, when separate state and federal grand juries concluded that the allegations were unfounded and the ring was a “carefully crafted hoax.”
Discovery Channel produced a documentary on the scandal called Conspiracy of Silence that explored a potential cover-up, but the documentary’s release was abruptly canceled shortly before it was scheduled to air.
Well, I mean, of course. Because it was debunked. Can’t have Discovery out there peddling Fake News.
Canceled but not destroyed and still available
CW: I’d say it’s as bad as you think but it’s probably worse Here it is
I haven’t watched it in like a year or so since I first found this rabbit hole but I don’t feel like watching it again, I already hate :amerikkka: about as much as I can which will somehow be surpassed the next time I find out about something like this
when separate state and federal grand juries concluded that the allegations were unfounded
Any time a grand jury bounces a case, that’s an enormous red flag.
The saying is any decent prosecutor can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich. There is no representation from the defense – you can just put up whatever you want uncontested.