God tier bit or incomparable brainrot?
don’t even know what the Iliad is
Oh the dEcLInE of tHe weSTeRN cIVIlIzATiOn
Lol literally the same dorks who don’t understand that the Romans would’ve absolutely despised them and called them savages.
I’ll never stop laughing at the fact that they needed a drug addled demagogue to tell them to clean their room in order to have an awakening. But yeah, supersoldiers of a new Pax Americana
People having 0 understanding of the traditional canon of western literature is a massive problem, and I hate that “decolonizing your bookshelf” has been used by some people to mean you can’t have old European texts in your house. Obviously this is a minority of cases and we aren’t short of copies of Homeric epics, but it’s annoying that people don’t expand their horizons and instead narrow them.
People having 0 understanding of the traditional canon of western literature is a massive problem
is it really, though? sounds like some boomer shit tbh
suggests reading and understanding less, having a less clear view of history and devaluing important art, calls me a boomer.
Yes it is. The cultural and literary traditions of the Greeks has had a profound impact on European and American society, and if you can’t understand their literature and how they thought and wrote and what stories were important to them you cannot understand them and their impact on us. Imnot saying everyone needs to read all of the Iliad and the odyssey in the original Greek, but at least reading part of it and knowing the story is fundamental to seeing the rich literary tradition that has lead to modern works, and understanding the culture that created these works that also have a massive impact on us. You don’t have to like them but you do have to know about them. Same with Shakespeare and the Bible. If you think Jesus and the church is all bs to steal your money whatever, but you cannot just ignore that the Bible has had a massive impact on the philosophy and behaviors of people in Europe, the Americas, and parts of Africa and Asia. Having some knowledge of Homer, Dante, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Thoreau, and Hemingway will allow you to see how the world and cultures have changed, and will open up your reading horizons and ability to think and consider multiple perspectives. What is important moving forward is to make sure more women, more people of color, more queer people, and more leftist get included in the so-called literary canon of the west, or a global literary canon which should be developed.
isn’t SDL the racist?
just two awful people having a twitter fight. I keep hoping that sdl person will just go away forever but it still hasn’t happened
Literally have no idea who either of these people are, we can dunk on both of them
oh yeah it’s definitely a double dunk, but that sdl person got outed as a huge piece of shit but for some reason they keep lingering around the internet
My man is arguing against fucking SDL and still somehow comes up with the worse take. How the fuck do you DO that?
Not everyone in ASOIAF is awful. Ned Stark, The Viper, Jon Snow, Robb Stark, Dany (book Dany), Sam, Deric Dondarrion, Thoros of Myr, Davos Seaworthy, Grey Worm, Sansa Stark… all of these people I would say lean on the side of “good” even if they aren’t perfect.
They often lose and don’t have plot armor, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist and struggle for their causes (revenge, family, stability, peace, etc)
It’s pretty evidently shown that the conditions and relations of feudalism and coming winter are what causes a lot of people to act viciously and in evil ways
The brotherhood without banners needs to expropriate all the bourgeois dipshits who are wasting time and resources on the brink of winter
This is pre-bourgeois. They needed to expropriate the feudal aristocratic dipshits
He’s currently dead in the books. Show is not canon as far as I’m concerned