I hope everyone had a great week! Hang out. Chat. Talk about what’s going on. Have fun :3
uninformed consent clinic where they tell you what HRT will do to you only through very cryptic poetry in a centuries dead language
takes big swig of fuckitol fuck this. tomorrow morning i’m going to planned parenthood and asking about HRT in person
shaved my chest, shaved my back, epilated almost all of my legs and feet, been shaving my face far more regularly. oh god it’s really happening i’m transing my gender. i’m honestly running out of body hair to take off
I saw the Braun IPL 5 Silk Pro (think that’s the name) recommended here last week.
Apparently, you can get near permanent results in just a couple months.
It’s in the mail now, and I’m gonna nuke my legs when it gets here!
CW: internet transphobia and bad feelings
Hate seeing “AFAB vs AMAB” essentialism and “transfems are like this” bullshit even on lefty places like here. I’m probably just being oversensitive and should delete all social media but youtube animal facts. I feel like I can’t trust anywhere on the internet to accept trans people.
oh my god why the fuck do i want to out myself to my parents. i haven’t been emotionally vulnerable with them like this since i was like 15. they’ve never respected my emotions. my dad makes casually transphobic jokes all the time. i loved fantasizing about literally never outing myself to my parents and cutting them out of my life why do i keep crying at the idea of outing myself in the next week or so
they’re trying to take me to europe on vacation for like 2 weeks. honestly i didn’t want to go at first but trying to go through international airport security as a trans woman sounds nightmarish, i’d really rather just not. plus i keep reading too many stories about planes just fucking falling apart mid air to want to board one anytime soon