Such an ado about nothing. Article just states the new directive for party members to address each other with comrade, and that that also means “homosexual” nowadays. :vivian-shrug:
The premise was just a coatrack for them to hang “China bad!” arguments on. Look how homophobic the Chinese are! Look how old and and unhip their politicians are! Look how corrupt their government is! Look how duplicitous those hierarchical Chinese act!
hell yeah, i’m glad the old fuck socially conservative brainworms are dying out
Evidence for this is weak sauce. Article states that the politburo is just old and out of touch with the current lingo and only kids and hipster foreign media noticed or cared. If comrade catches on with the wider populace then subcultures will just shift to a new terms to denote in/out groups.
I once talked to a girl on HelloTalk who was like “it’s so improper to take a term as noble as 同志 and use it for non-political reasons!” I don’t think she was really homophobic or anything and it was all good after I clarified I was both gay and a communist, just a very funny interaction with a Chinese college student
Who the hell was she? The language police? So what if someone wants to call their gay lovers comrades?
Some 19 year old who probably has some lingering homophobia picked up from her surroundings, but also a very positive opinion of communists.
The people I talk with on HelloTalk trend younger and more educated (lots of college students trying to master their English speaking), but it’s really heartwarming to see that most people I talk with have very fond views of communism (even if just the sense of “our government is good”), and hostile homophobia is very rare to see. Everyone seems chill with lesbians, and the worst I’ve heard about gay men is that they are sometimes too girly, but even then most people have positive responses to my questions. I’ve only told a few people I’m trans, and that took a little more explaining, but nobody was shitty about it. No Chinese ever called me 人妖.
The Chinese kids are alright.
even if just the sense of “our government is good
Imagine being able to feel this way :cri:
Not familiar with HelloTalk - if I’d like to reach out to Chinese comrades and talk to them, is it like an ESL app? Or just a standard social media thing?
:cereal1: China won’t do gay socialism