:cereal1: China won’t do gay socialism
Such an ado about nothing. Article just states the new directive for party members to address each other with comrade, and that that also means “homosexual” nowadays. :vivian-shrug:
The premise was just a coatrack for them to hang “China bad!” arguments on. Look how homophobic the Chinese are! Look how old and and unhip their politicians are! Look how corrupt their government is! Look how duplicitous those hierarchical Chinese act!
But at what cost?
hell yeah, i’m glad the old fuck socially conservative brainworms are dying out
Evidence for this is weak sauce. Article states that the politburo is just old and out of touch with the current lingo and only kids and hipster foreign media noticed or cared. If comrade catches on with the wider populace then subcultures will just shift to a new terms to denote in/out groups.