from our friends at WaPo
in advanced democracies like :amerikkka:, human rights for minorities can only be decided by 9 unelected demons or unprecedented levels of violence
:live-tucker-reaction: “In the authoritarian American Dictatorship, rights are not created by the people, but rather thought to be ordained by their state-sanctioned deity. The Elders of Washington, the unelected quasi-religious governmental body gets to decide what and how rights are enacted. They can also be removed at any time at the whim of the state. The people have no say in the politics of their country, and yet they actually prefer it this way. They legitimately believe that their “rights,” what little they may have, are actually threatened by their participation in the state, rather than the other way around.”
The real way to give gay people rights is to vote for one of two parties who will eventually elect a judge to a comittee that is 30 years behind popular consensus and prone to wild swings due to being appointed when the previous occupants die, so it is a roll of the dice if your vote will ever matter on the subject.
the supreme court can also pre-empt public opinion, as it did on interracial marriage
The real response is that it’s meaningless - if you focus on one of the handful of good things SCOTUS has done you fail to see the totality of a political entity consistently used to justify and protect the rights of slaveowners and capitalists at the expense of everyone else.
But further, Loving v Virginia was 60 years ago: Since then, the court has been captured by christian fascists in a deliberate effort to roll back any of the slim progress gained over that period. Debating about media polls obscures the court’s awful history and it’s current state as a direct tool by reactionary forces.
I know California has had referendums on gay marriage like 15 years ago so thats funny
I wonder if part of why Americans assume that the Cubans must have been heavily propagandized into supporting this is because we know that whenever we vote for things we make terrible choices and we can’t imagine a system where people’s opinions aren’t decided by massive marketing campaigns funded by the Mormons.
As I understand it, they were heavily propagandized into voting for it, and that’s a good thing. They government laid out the reasons why the change was necessary and did the work to educate the electorate on why it was important. Only after they were relatively certain it would pass did the government call for the referendum. This is the perfect way to do social engineering, imo.
It was an actual concern voiced by the LGBT community in Cuba but its obviously absurd coming from an American stooge.