“Dr. Shi and Dr. Zhu also found that the presence of a single Asian student in a class amplifies teachers’ negative assessments of Black and Hispanic students”
Thank goodness :cracker: are here to help.
What about legacy admissions? Isnt that afirmative axtion?
What about basing the evaluations on non academic bullshit? Dosent that benefit rich kids with enough tree time to waste on that?
What about legacy admissions? Isnt that afirmative axtion?
Legacy Admissions are what make the whole Ivy League such a fucking joke. The entire purpose of this tier of university systems is to launder the images of the ultra-entitled by associating them with academic high achievers. Its akin to Donald Trump buying Baron a spot on the NY Yankees so that he could brag about his family being super athletic.
In the end, Ivys are just another form of country club. And while its certainly nice of the fine folks at Augusta National to finally admit people of color like Condi Rice and Lynn Swan, you’d have to be fucking insane if you thought that made the course more egalitarian.
What about basing the evaluations on non academic bullshit? Dosent that benefit rich kids with enough tree time to waste on that?
Functionally speaking, there’s no metric you could devise that a rich kid’s parents couldn’t game. The only truly fair way to admit students is via blind lottery. And even then, it neglects the real goal of education in pursuit of some phony measure of prestige.
Sorry for the late reply. My point was that complaining about afirmative action while there are other non academic criteria tbat favor the rich is silly.
I would personaly favor a standarised testing with maybe some problems similar to the ones from olyimpic math that rely more on innate talent and a handicap against rich people or in the case of heavily segregated countries like the us, the dominant ethnicity.
Then again i dont have a colege dergee. I think textbook torrents and later libgen gave me a better education than most colleges could.
My point was that complaining about afirmative action while there are other non academic criteria tbat favor the rich is silly.
I agree.
I would personaly favor a standarised testing with maybe some problems similar to the ones from olyimpic math that rely more on innate talent and a handicap against rich people or in the case of heavily segregated countries like the us, the dominant ethnicity.
I mean, I’d much prefer public universities were run like public libraries. Anyone can gain admittance, classes are first-come first-serve, all the materials are free to use.
Funding is a baseline plus a bonus by membership so the intuition can scale. Accreditation is a standardized test universal to the state that’s offered every six months.
And that’s that.
Whites gonna white
I think I need to see a therapist because i am actually Beginning to see whites as nonhuman
The comments here against affirmative action sound exactly like white South African chuds complaining about BEE. Literally the same talking points. On here.