“Dr. Shi and Dr. Zhu also found that the presence of a single Asian student in a class amplifies teachers’ negative assessments of Black and Hispanic students”
Thank goodness :cracker: are here to help.
This whole affirmative action thing is an absolute debacle. Are universities racist vs Asians? Yes. Do the cracker chuds complaining about affirmative action give a single fuck about Asians? Hell no.
viewing affirmative action as a zero-sum game is inaccurate and leads to misguided perceptions
we would probably need more universities in the US in order to do that. and we might also need to raise the rigor of some of the existing universities
as a Chinese dude working at a US uni, my extremely nuanced contribution on this is: I can’t. this is so fucked in so many directions. I simply can’t.
Me getting dogpiled for dropping N-words at the train station and yelling that it’s that Chinese guy’s fault for amplifying my negative assessments.
Communist governments are historically really big on affirmative action. The Soviets did it perhaps more than any other society, and as soon as the union collapsed basically all of the governments of the successor states became ethnically homogeneous and 100% male.
I find it interesting how much agita there is among Americans about affirmative action when it basically doesn’t exist in 99% of cases. In my own state of Commiefornia it’s literally been prohibited by the state constitution since the 90s, and the only places that have ever done it have been a handful of colleges a tiny amount strictly for marketing purposes. I would almost go so far as to suggest that AA, as it exists in America, is a psyop to make people more racist - because that seems to be the overall effect.
I think China is gonna change it to the region instead of minorities. Since the poorer region doesn’t have the resource that they need to compete with big tier cities. But that affirmative action is just add points to the gaokao, not doing whatever Harvard is doing with personality score.
Oh good, a new reason that we’ll have to run into the following:
:frothingfash: See we’re not racists! A prestigious American University even said the same things
with the irony, of course, being lost on them
Calmly explaining how I’m not racist because my official Racism Factory merch still has the tags on it.