Ken Adelman seems like a nice unbiased guy, lets see where he’s worked
- Defense Policy Board (2001-06)
- SRI International Strategic Analyst
- US State Department Deputy US Ambassador to the UN (1981-83)
- US Defense Department Assistant to Secy. Donald Rumsfeld (1976-77)
- US Agency for International Development Congressional Liaison Officer (1975-76)
- Office of Economic Opportunity Special Asst. to the Director of VISTA (1970-72)
- US Commerce Department Legislative Officer (1968-70)
- Bush-Cheney '04
- Committee on the Present Danger
- Council on Foreign Relations
- Freedom House Board of Trustees
- Institute for Contemporary Studies VP
- International Crisis Group Board Member
- International Institute for Strategic Studies
- Project for the New American Century
- RAND Corporation
edit: I can’t seem to get line breaks or the list working. VICTORY!
I get that fascism has at best a fuzzy definition, but it’s not like Ur-Fascism is that fucking complicated.
the reply to the anti-lula tweet:
Someone having a different political opinion than you doesn’t make them a fascist.