Yes, I like masterbating. Yes, I like free shit. No, we are NOT going to push those terms to the top of the “popular search term” list. Please have some decency.
decency is for the weak
let your freak flag fly etc.
yeah I hate habit tracking stuff like this. Don’t learn my patterns I’m perfectly capable of doing my own patterns thanks.
also imagine how much harder shit like this would make quitting an online gambling addiction
Autocomplete asking me if I meant to go to /tttt/ to self-harm even though I’ve been clean for months.
destroy the internet, smash every smartphone with a hammer
Is this aliexpress? If so they very often recommend sex toys to everyone even in incognito mode. Looks like tons of people are searching for the same.
Its wish. Most of the stuff on there looks like crap tbh.
The only things that look decent that I’ve came across are an sdcard usb otg adapter, a usb to sata cable, and a wifi extender.
The wifi extender being especially interesting as it could serve as really cheap project material.