Not in a great spot. My material needs are met, so don’t worry about that. Just want to break out of the cycle I’m in of “oh hey, you have only a few hundred from this paycheck before you’re negative again.”
Much as I hate to say it, selling plasma. It won’t get you all that money but if you’re marginal it’ll be significant
I don’t know, Corgi, but I hope you make it through.
I know a couple who built up a whole aquatics business off the back of breeding and selling ramshorn snails at the beginning. They don’t go for much individually (depends on the variety), but they breed so prodigiously that it doesn’t take long before you have more than you can easily sell lol. And they have basically no care requirements lol.
I wish my neos would breed though. :sadness: I’m not even wanting to sell them, I just want more lol. I think I just don’t do enough water changes, but unfortunately I don’t always have the time to
If we can get enough interest to start a c/aquariums, I swear I will be the number one power poster on this site.
I’ve found a few things that really help with keeping your neo colony going: lots of java moss, diffused lighting and a decent calcium source. Aquarium Coop sells these calcium blocks called “Wonder Shells” that seem consistently trigger spawning behaviors in all of my inverts.
Edit: Holy shit I’m reading this thread and nevermind on c/aquariums.
I would 100% be down with that. I think it’s pretty easy to get a new community to be made, there just has to be people willing to be mods beforehand.
Good to know, thanks! I’ll have to spend some time and see if I can’t get them going better. About a third of the tank is a big patch of rotala that gives them a lot of space to hide that’s out of direct light, but I’ve had bad luck with moss growing string algae that I can’t get rid of without removing the moss. Probably also to do with the water changes lol. I hadn’t heard about the calcium thing though, I’ll definitely try that when I can!
Animal exploitation and murder are horrible and disgusting and you should deleted this comment.
Shrimp and fish are sentient creatures, and you should feel ashamed that you’re proposing torturing others as chattel slaves and commodities for a quick buck.
I absolutely understand why this wouldn’t be an “agree to disagree” sort of thing for you, but I’m not having this argument right now. I’ll read and consider the links you shared, though.
Shocking. Bees feel pain !? Did you know that honey bees like Apis mellifera and wasps like Vespula vulgaris for example recognise faces?
It’s not a comparison, they’re literally chattel. They’re literally sentient. Stop being a slavery apologist, human supremacist
Ew, how disgusting, vile and unethical. Have some dignity as someone that calls themselves a leftist, and show some dignifying behaviour towards animals who have continuities with humans, like feeling pain. Your behaviour towards living beings falls short of basic, bare-minimum standards.
You could live off protein powder and potatoes or something
Also whey protein powder is highly overrated. Check how much sugar it has. Grocery stores are PRICEY compared to online.
Vegan protein powders or just Walmart powdered peanut butter (it actually has no sugar added and 83% of oil removed, 50% protein by weight it’s a nutritionally perfect product, potassium is high like a dairy product, lots of fiber, it’s delicious) are actually not more expensive than whey if you shop well.
just Walmart powdered peanut butter
Are you for real??? This could be life changging