Written by another white dude in Canada talking about “authoritarianism”
they have the right to vote, wtf lmao
No but you see, if voting doesn’t work exactly like it does in western “democracies” it just doesn’t count sweaty
Because it is not a consistent belief, nor does it ever actually result in a “freedom” of speech. Plenty of studies have shown that when someone is allowed to speak hatred in front of minorities, especially unempowered ones, it leads to a silencing of those people.
I disagree that it’s a dumb idea, but in a political economy dominated by the profit motive, it can never really work the way it’s theoretically supposed to. IMO, the real ideal of free speech would be to have an opinion show network where the likes of Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson and Rachel Maddow would share space with people like Norman Finkelstein and Louis Farrakhan and Michael Parenti and whoever else. But that would never really happen under our current system.
Not… really. Treating a bunch of snake oil salesmen as being of equal worthiness as actual professors is a good way to convince the audience to listen to the snake oil salesmen. Don’t even give them the time of day.
The author’s name is Manfred Elfstrom? And he’s actually a real person?
they are demanding an end to their democratic rights?
Those poor people don’t have the freedom to drown in their own lung fluid and force other people to drown in their own lung fluid :cri: