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It prevents you from realizing that you share problems with the vast majority, preventing many people from becoming class conscious. And if they do realise these problems they’ll gravitate towards individualistic solutions to systemic problems (for example: climate change is the consumers fault, just buy your way out of it), for which capitalism swoops in to provide a product/service to give the illusion of “I’m doing my part”.
It’s also unnatural and doesn’t go well with the fact that we were never supposed to live this way.
Individualism goes against human nature, and it is probably why people are lonely and homelessness is epidemic in the US.
This goes against everything I’ve learned in the states, where we consider individualism a necessary part of being a responsible and moral person, whereas collectivism strips us of our humanity and turns us into subhuman insectoid creatures incapable of thought.
How is this working out for the US?
Hold on there, no way is individualism directly to.blame for the rise homelessness right? That one is purely bourgeoisie landleech greed, no?
Radical individualism is promoted to justify private property rights, so these go hand in hand.
Huh… I see. It’s All Connected… Radical Individualism is inherently bad due to this…
It’s preached as a reskinned attempt to convince the poor to just keep their heads down and let God take care of everything. Most who preach individualism are full of shit anyways, they are very quick to turn towards chauvinism and nationalism the moment the status quo becomes threatened like we see with libs cheering on Ukraine and their mass conscription.
Rejecting individualism doesn’t negate the existence of individuals, with their own needs and agency. Rejecting individualism simply rejects an incorrect worldview, one which ignores material conditions and the inherent and irreplaceable social conditions of human life and development. Individualism is just an existential philosophy made up to fit in with the socioeconomic myths of liberalism and make liberalism seem closer to human nature.
…where we consider individualism a necessary part of being a responsible and moral person, whereas collectivism strips us of our humanity and turns us into subhuman insectoid creatures incapable of thought.
I mean, you’re working with propaganda definitions for those concepts instead of … umm… correct ones. So, don’t do that.