Why would nature conspire against man like this
i have a family member that was lucky to be “first person to get x” and “first person bit by y” quite a few times and not from seeking out just from regular doing work around the house and job shit. can’t go into anymore detail as funny as it would be.
Imagine the superpowers this guy is hiding from us
See, whenever there’s a post like this and they interview the guy, he’ll say some shit like “yeah I just kinda go out in thunderstorms and touch wild animals. Crazy how this keeps happening.”
The second time [he was attacked by a monkey] was the result of a joke, of sorts, played by his wife.
She locked Norrie in a cage with a small monkey, which then proceeded to bite, hit and pelt him with his own keys. His wife, Spryng, wasn’t worried, though.
“She took photos and giggled,” he said.
Chicks rock?