I always apologize before I ask for help finding what I need :kitty-cri:
Stocking is mind-numbing. If you see me pulling socks around on a display, come ask me for something. Tell me about your hobbies. Shit-talk my boss with me. Save me.
After worked at a skeezy liquor store for 6 months during uni; I believe that every retail/customer service worker should get to bring in a weapon of their choice, just so customers learn some basic manners and respect
Americans literally turn into mindless zombie toddlers once they step through the threshold of a grocery store. Sometimes you wonder how they operate a vehicle or raise kids
It doesn’t help that a modern retail store works nothing like how older people imagine a “store” works like. No, I can’t change anything myself, I need to appeal to a supervisor because I’m not the owner and there are rules.
literally nobody in a big retail store can change how any of it works. Its all handled by corporate. Fuck when I worked at Target our fucking AIR CONDITIONING was controlled by corporate despite them being in a completely different state
I worked with a guy at a sub shop who mastered an art of asking “you just about decided there?” to customers staring at the menu board too long. He would accompany the question with a subtle, yet unsettling kind of blink that would make you question if he was all there upstairs (if you didn’t know him) and want to move along as quickly as possible.
Worked like a charm!
Just don’t whistle at me like I’m a fucking dog and I’ll gladly help you
i used to love the SCREAM ITEM NAME AT YOU FROM ACROSS STORE. just over and over. like wtf are you talking to??
My local area seems to prefer “queue up behind the one visible employee while he’s helping someone and launch a barrage of additional questions the moment he turns around”.
The next person who hollers at me from halfway across the store is getting strung up like one of our chandeliers and pelted with refuse.
Holy fuck are people rude to retail workers. I always knew it, but to experience it has been truly horrible and infuriating and soul crushing and everything in between. There’s no dignity or humanity in it whatsoever.