Because the damn game is good, that’s why.
It’s been out forever so no bugs. It’s passed the test of time so it’s entertaining and has interesting decisions to make. There are mods and user-created scenarios. Who the hell cares what it looks like? Jesus, people.
And yes, I realize that there is a substantial cohort of those who play games primarily to (1) gaze at graphics (2) get a consumer’s sense of satisfaction knowing that the graphics card is pushing billions of operations per second.
I play old games because my pc is a clunker that crashes entirely with no warning whenever it’s put under memory strain
Also I’m too poor to afford new non-indie releases.
And yeah, who cares if a game looks like ass? The gameplay is fun, the story is good, what more do you need?
In some cases, better graphics =/= better looking. For example Megami Tensei II IMO looks nicer than the 1997 remake for the SNES.
Doesn’t help that the second one has a conventional scaling algorithm applied instead of nearest neighbor integer scaling. It’s why I prefer the look of the original DS Phoenix Attorney games to the “HD” remaster: it has the same sort of look. Apparently they actually redrew the assets using the originals as references, but even though the game used a pretty standard anime aesthetic those assets were designed to be pixelated and so they used the limitations to their advantage. By simply redrawing them and changing little else, they end up looking like very well-executed deviantArt fodder because the lighting and coloring is too flat. If they had created a fresh set of character designs with the new target platform in mind trying to capture the essence of the original, I’m sure it would have looked a lot better…but of course, that’s more expensive and risks alienating fans.
I run my games on my pc and then stream them to my laptop in the other room so all my games look like :dprk-soldier:
It’s a very efficient setup with zero flaws.
I love a lot of the old graphics tbh