Not for you know actual peace, but because AIDS funding. :mission-accomplished:
Obama got one for just getting elected so why the fuck not rip off any pretense of the Nobel Peace Prize and :unlimited-power: complete the circle of rehabilitation of the Project for a New American Century.
:mission-accomplished-1: :mission-accomplished-2: .
Note this is just an opinion piece. The goul hasn’t gotten it yet.
God I hope he wins it, it would be too funny.
Had some real fun with this article when I showed it to a colleague and told him that if the Nobel Peace commitee follow their own precedent from both Vietnam and Israel-Palestine, they’re going to give a peace prize to BOTH Zelensky and Putin once the war is over. I seriously think I sent my coworker down a dark spiral when i told him that, because he got weirdly quiet for the next half hour and just stared into his screen.
Note this is just an opinion piece. The goul hasn’t gotten it yet.
Kissinger stays winning's_Emergency_Plan_for_AIDS_Relief#Controversial_requirements
Of the 20% spent on prevention, one third, or 6.7% of the total, was to be spent on abstinence-until-marriage programs
This pledge requires all organizations that receive PEPFAR funding to have a policy that explicitly opposes prostitution and sex trafficking which some activists compared to a loyalty oath. A number of AIDS organizations felt such a policy would alienate their efforts to reduce HIV contraction rates among sex workers.
According to a study presented at the 19th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections in 2015, the $1.3 billion that the U.S. government spent on programs to promote abstinence in sub-Saharan Africa had no significant impact.
the new reporting requirement continues to emphasize abstinence and fidelity to the exclusion of comprehensive approaches, such as those that include education about male and female condoms. This can cause a chilling effort for organizations receiving PEPFAR funding, who may censor their prevention activities and fall short of providing comprehensive HIV prevention services to women, men, and young people.[citation needed]
PEPFAR also does not fund needle exchange programs, which are widely regarded as effective in preventing the spread of HIV
Using satanic “Christian” fascism to do neocolonial social murder is fricken epic and based! Go on Pod Save America for your heroic efforts in scolding workers about covid, sir! :matt:
_This is an opinion piece_
And this is why I want to ban :freeze-peach: