Hate it when baffoons like trump are more reasonable than liberals.
Someone right there is saying this is treason, what? Trump gets the wall but he’s right on this one. So, saying the truth can actually be an act of treason? Nationalism poisons the brain.
Sort by controversial for the good comments, I even saw an Amerikkka in there
I used to take great pride in getting downvoted to hell by Reddit but being in the top when you sort by controversial.
They just don’t like when you speak the truth. Especially when it comes to Trump. They are people with fragile emotional states, and libs don’t come to Reddit for discussions, they come for therapy when they are proved to be right about everything.
Yeah, I think most people have a basic need to feel moral, and Reddit libs do that by voting and telling themselves there’s nothing else that can be done. So, anything suggesting that their vote was bad or that they aren’t doing enough gets really severe opposition.
I would amend that to say that libs feel a desperate need to feel right. And to have that conviction backed up in public.
That’s why Trump hurt them so bad. Here was proof, in public, in broad daylight, that America had heard everything they had to say (how could anyone not, with the corporate media bleating pro-Hillary 24/7) and rejected them. This hurt them deep, deep in their core, and there is no going back from that. That’s why they went for the Russiagate conspiracy theory so hard, because it provided an explanation of why they were actually right and everyone else in America was actually wrong.
People will forgive you for being wrong, but they will never forgive you for being right—especially if events prove you right while proving them wrong.
This is just like Ukraine :soypoint-2:
Kinda surprised I haven’t seen more comparison of NK to UKR since they are both invaded and occupied nations.
I’m enjoying the implication that Trump is wrong and our military is too pathetic to feel threatening.