It was deleted, here are the links;
:jordan-eboy-peterson: There are cathedrals everywhere for those with the eyes to see
Oh they 100% believe this. In the chud fever dream China is literally Airstrip One with all the sadistic torture and shit.
Chuds believe that the deep state are pushing global warming to force us into digital downloading ourselves and then to hen use our bodies for blood
Candence owen literally posts YouTube videos saying this
Mikhaila Peterson @MikhailaFuller * 9m
Replying to @jordanbpeterson
DAD you can’t retweet this on twitter. My eyes will never recover.
Fucking hell lol
Also she’s promoting the “lion diet” now. Where you just eat meat, but no organ meats.
She started going on all the bro science bodybuilder YouTube channels to promote her fad diets, was absolutely hilarious to see her appear on my feed while talking to “Derek from more plates more dates dot com” lol.
Like I guess if you actually have a disorder that prevents the digestion of plant material it could work, but 99.99% of people can eat plants and grains just fine and should do so, and I’m pretty sure people with health conditions don’t need some grifter to sell them a lion diet lmao. They’re probably well aware of their dietary limits. Like no one is out there grifting a “no water” diet, despite a very small minority people having water sensitivities.
Isn’t that what that guy who tried to live like a wolf in the wild did and then he got wicked sick because it turns out you need vitamins, which are more heavily concentrated in organs?
Probably, you never know with chud grifters.
And anyone that’s actually seen predators hunt in the wild know that they eat the liver first, it’s the most valuable part of the kill for carnivores. Then they sit in the shade as a bloated mess for the rest of the day.
Daily reminder that Peterson’s daughter got knocked up by a tankie
LMAO the dick sucking factory looks a lot more cool than I imagined it.