original deleted but here is the thread https://twitter.com/olgatokariuk/status/1501870371208839168
You gotta love how many countries in Europe claim to be “the black people of Europe”.
My favourite one is Yanis Varoufakis being elected spokesperson of a black student’s association while doing post-grad studies in England, and he claimed this makes sense because Irish and Greeks were basically black back then.
Coincidentally, the one time I’ve heard a white European claim not to be white was a Greek guy. I wish I had asked him more about it at the time.
i would guess Greeks’ relationship to whiteness over the last few centuries is probably pretty comparable to that of Italians
later round draft
Which is kinda interesting given how white supremacists love jerking themselves off over Ancient Greek and Roman shit.
IDK how untrue is this really? Like it’s misleading to imply that it was just Ukrainians but Slavs have historically been subjects of racist chauvinism for centuries.
Definitely slippery to imply that this somehow means they can’t be vilely racist themselves against others
My dad and his shithead family are so obnoxious in thinking they have a leg to stand on when it comes to racism because they have irish ancestry. Sure maybe 300 years ago but you’ve long since been welcomed to the table of white supremacy so shut the fuck up with your “we were the real slaves” racist nonsense.
Bulgarian national identity is tightly entwined with the idea we were “slaves” in the ottoman empire. We weren’t, or certainly not in the chattel slavery way seen in the European and American colonies, though we (along with many others) were definitely second class citizen. Of course, Bulgarian chuds will absolutely :frothingfash: if you tell them this.
My question to them is “Does you national identity align you with the global struggle for emancipation and liberation of all people? Do you see yourself as spiritual kin to the oppressed and enslaved, or to the oppressors and slavers? Because if the colour of your skin weighs more than the history of your people, you’re exactly as Bulgarian as any other fucking cracker.”
You know Slavs were targets of genocide by the Nazis as well right? (Aided by Banderite Ukrainians, ironically.)
IDK what larping as POC means I agree she chose her words poorly but Slavs don’t just have some empty claim of being disliked - there was an attempt to erase them by Western whites in recent history
The whole wording is slippery. It reduces the scope of anti-slavic bigotry to only target Ukrainians, and then suggests that Russia is just as culpable as Europe in terms of anti-slavic bigotry
Either that, or less charitably it reads as, “Ukrainians are the only undeserved targets of anti-slavic bigotry.”
I don’t disagree with anything you wrote honestly I’m not saying she’s right with a capital R, but there’s some truth in the claim and we’d be wrong to discard the entire sentiment whole cloth because it’s being used in a disingenuous way
Yeah, I definitely wouldn’t write off Ukrainians as fully enfranchised - especially historically - into Whiteness
I think a lot of this discussion centers around a growing sentiment that European liberals too often invoke a flippant or ignorant comparison between Black Americans and virtually any other issue, when in fact Black Americans have a pretty unique history. That sentiment seems accurate to me, but that’s as closely as I’ve had time to follow
I feel like a crazy person pointing out that Putin had valid reason in wanting to purge Ukraine of neo-nazis. Everyone thinks he’s cRaZy and making it up and that heckin’ slava ukraini smol beans are inclusive angels. The guy didn’t want nato aligned nuclear armed fascists on his border.
Or the ol’ liberal classic of PUTIN IS GAY and he’s mad that DRUMPF broke up with him and that’s why he invaded xD 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
I mean yeah but it’s pretty obvious that invading a country that has fascists in power is only going to empower those fascists as they can now make whatever changes they want under the pretense of being at war.
I’m sure invading Germany empowered the Nazis as well.
Until the moment their leaders all killed themselves.
He’s kind of done a shitty job of it since they’re more powerful than ever, tbh.
God dammit Portugal, I’m glad Brazil doesn’t have to deal with you anymore
Jews, Romani, Muslims, and other oppressed groups in Europe: :warf-wtf: