the USA paying the NFL millions of dollars to do fighter jet flyovers isn’t political, sweaty, that’s just entertainment
“That’s not political! That’s being patriotic”
Actual argument I heard from someone.
Also no more support the troops, cops, and other patriotic bullshit. Nice.
Abandon all racist team names then? Just neutral, non-politically charged names. Sounds ok to me.
Oh sick I didn’t know that happened. Weak new name they could have chosen something cooler but it’s still way cooler than removed
One time I was at a hockey game and I stood for the anthem because everyone else was and hockey fans are insane. Anyways some random stranger told me to take my hat off during the anthem because it’s disrespectful. This country is so fucking weird.
You need to carry a second hat to put on top of your main hat for this situation
The last hockey game I was at me and my friend (also a Marxist) sat for the anthem and I was sure that some drunk bro was going to hassle us but no one did. But yeah, it’s weird and hypocritical to demand reverence to the anthem but if they saw that happen in China they would call it authoritarian.