I fucking wish. I would love this in Poland, a complete removal of all the pseudo-patriotic fash bullshit football clubs please :no-i-in-pezza:
One time I was at a hockey game and I stood for the anthem because everyone else was and hockey fans are insane. Anyways some random stranger told me to take my hat off during the anthem because it’s disrespectful. This country is so fucking weird.
The last hockey game I was at me and my friend (also a Marxist) sat for the anthem and I was sure that some drunk bro was going to hassle us but no one did. But yeah, it’s weird and hypocritical to demand reverence to the anthem but if they saw that happen in China they would call it authoritarian.
You need to carry a second hat to put on top of your main hat for this situation
Replace National Anthem with “the anthem” by Good Charlotte at sporting events.
I want people to sing “another loser anthem” with baseball hats over their hearts.